the junkstock stage

Friday, April 25
10 - 12am Hector Anchondo
1 - 3pm Jimmy Buffet tribute
4 - 6Pm Sweet addiction

Saturday, April 26
9:30 - 11am Moon Cats
3 - 4:30pm loess hills outlaws
5:30 - 7pm the losing formula

Sunday, April 27
10 - 11am the 1-4-5
12 - 2pm ECSTATIC
3 - 5pm yes sir!

Friday, May 2
9:30 - 11am Jimmy little
12 - 1:30pm Orion walsh & the rambling heart
2:30 - 4pm room with a view
5 - 6pm kEVIN sMITH

Saturday, may 3
9:30 - 110:30am joe & tay
11:30am - 1:30pm Midnight special
2:30 - 4pm the mercurys
4:15pm Car show Awards
5 - 7pm tacocat

Sunday, May 4
10 - 11am blackbird rOCK cO
12 - 2pm rhythm collective
3 - 5pm 4 on the floor

The Junkstock® Stage has become just as big as the junkin' on the farm!

We love all the talented performers that come to entertain us while we shop, eat, and groove to the music! 

Are you a musician wanting to rock the Junkstock stage?
Email us at